Kurt Philip Behm

Forever Wondering Why (+3)

A captive of his genius

And prisoner of his insight

The Jester played New York

Like a fiddler on the run

The truth always just a step

Ahead or behind his perception

The music caught in between

Like an opera singer’s pause for breath

‘The Times Were A Changing’

 —and he was left forever wondering why


(Dallas Texas: June, 2018)



Deemed Poetic


Things beyond description

Deemed poetic lay….

‘A golden oak

On an October day’

‘The perfect form

Of a cresting wave’

‘The laughter of toddlers

As they run and play’

‘A Mozart concerto

 —in its timeless way’


(Dallas Texas: June, 2018)




Farther Than Near


Crossing over

 to what most would call good


My feelings inline

 my words understood


No chair or wip

 do the verses require


All teeth now removed

 in fear of your ire


Crossing over

 to what some would proclaim


The lines neatly ordered

 with nothing profane


Those tight little smiles

 they clap and they cheer


Words lost of all meaning

  —truth farther than near


(Dallas Texas: June, 2018)  



Legions Cry


Literary Achilles

 writer of the sword


Legions cry

 chariots fly


 —blood in every word


(Dallas Texas: June, 2018)