I watch as the faces of people I love drift away
I am replaced
Forgotten about
I’m in the way
A burden
A memory
Yet as they slip through my fingers
That ping of fear is lacking
And instead of being concerned
I find it humorous.
I used to care
I used to be there
I used to never stop trying
But each betrayal was a chisel breaking away at my white marble soul
As each piece of rock fell I believed I would turn into something beautiful
I believed I would turn into something better
and as the marble fell away I did nothing
Until I felt nothing
The hammers stopped because there was nothing left
And as i sit here with the shards of stone at my feet
I realize what had happened
I cared so much that I started to expect it
I started to get used to it
I had cared so much I didn’t even realize how ugly I had become
All because i said and did nothing
I let them hack away at my marble soul
And now
There is no marble left for the person who would turn me into something beautiful