
The Cat Lady

we all have heard the jokes
About the lady with all the cats
But instead of just laughing
Do you want to hear the facts
Yes, I have several kitties
They love me and keep me company
The truth is each time I got one
I was trying to fill a need
I\'ve had several miscarriages
Each time I\'d get a new cat
To help me deal with the pain
Now, just laugh about that
My cats are my babies
Because I can\'t carry a child
So I have something to still love
With them I have a reason to smile
Sometimes they act like real kids
Needing my attention, acting aloof
Some are good, some being naughty
They make me laugh, when they goof off
So laugh at me if you want
Call me the crazy cat lady
But know it\'s not my fault
That I can\'t carry a baby
Written by Angela Hutcherson-Jenkins