
I\'m not sorry

He had ice water in his veins. You could tell by how cold his hands were. He was the very definition of a sociopath. He\'d rip the very heart out of your chest & chew it in front of your face. He\'d use your bones to pick the flesh out of his teeth. He was a menace. The type of person who\'d expect you to give him the world but wouldn\'t even share as much as eye contact with you. He\'d kick you while you were down. He was selfish & domineering. If you looked in his eyes, you wouldn\'t see a soul. Just a cold, icy stare that\'d make you shiver to your core. He\'d steal your possessions & your sanity. Make you feel like you\'re the crazy one. Don\'t even expect an apology. He\'d say he\'s right even though he knew he was dead wrong.  He was relentless, abusive, psychotic. He broke me.


                                                           so i killed him.