
Words Jimmy one leg would never had said

One more then bed
Should have been the last words
Of Jimmy one leg
But I imagine those were 4 words
Jimmy would never have said

A delivery man about half jimmy\'s age
Once picked the wrong, day to say,
That\'s just not the attitude,
In response to, jimmy\'s flippant response to,
The delivery man\'s confused clichéd small talk about, another dollar another day,
Jimmy was not in the mood to, be woken up before noon, by something other than the smell, of frying bacon.
\"That\'s not the attitude?\" all 6 foot 2 of Jimmy stooped..\"well it\'s the only one I\'ve got, and besides what does it matter? I\'ll be having this conversation with one of those drones pretty soon
And It\'ll probably know more about customer satisfaction than you...now be gone\"

He kept a pigeon named timothy under his bed,
The story goes, the pigeon was hell bent on revenge,
After jimmy ate two of its uncles for breakfast.
It was a slow news week and jimmy grew restless,
He decided homemade taxidermy would be a place worthy of his time to invest,
Which is why there\'s a pigeon, named timothy, who nearly got his revenge, under jimmys bed.

A neighbour named Sarah once checked in when worried,
Because she hadn\'t been lifted five feet out of her seat,
by Jimmy\'s drumb and bass acid house remix of the fleet foxes greatest hits, playing on repeat and stopping her from not sleeping
She didn\'t mind the music, in fact she\'d once seen fleet foxes support Neil Young on a European tour,
She minded the fact that jimmy didn\'t seem to care if she minded at all.
But she\'d always had a soft spot for him,
from the time he kept an eye on the kids she child minded
And showed them all how to do the detachable thumb magic trick..see kids, it goes like this..

One more then bed
Should have been the last words
Of Jimmy one leg
But I imagine those were 4 words
Jimmy would never have said.