



When the clouds become inky black tomorrow

When all you are left with is tears and a gloomy face

When am not there to make you smile or sit next to you

When all your left with is memories of me

When all you hear is the cliché “he is in a better place”

When am not there to cheer you up

When am not there to write you beautiful poems

When everything you do doesn’t go your way and am not there to stand up for you

When something doesn’t make sense and am not there to break it down with no judgement

When am not there to see you become the best version of yourself

When am not there to see you achieve everything you ever wanted

When memories we created starts to ebb away and am not there to create new ones

When am not there to tell you are beautiful and complement your dressing

When my smile fades away from your memory

When life takes me away from you

When each passing day reminds you of me and your tears have run out

When When arrives just know everything will be all right with time