Jacob Mead


We are all humans in the sense of the word,
some us act like brothers,
and some of us trust each other.
Some clench their teeth in the anarchy of choatic events,
while others relax in the their neighborhood with a white picket fence.
Some choose to be the victims of their own lies,
while others sit back and enjoy a nice piece of pie.
If we all chose to be the same,
we\'d all be the same with a different name.
And, if we all delve into our primordial urges,
there would be an increase in homicide surges.
No-one can truly understand the difference between one man and another man,
all we can do is throw words around that mean nothing from hand to hand.
To truly understand who and what we are,
we must first delve into the first hand experience,
although our trip will not be far,
it sure will be delirious,
to be fair, how much can you extend the meaning of a word?