Jacob Mead


Only poets can truly tell,
how they left their audience, well or unwell.
But, it is not simply easy to judge how a person felt;
because everyone has their perspective they\'ve dealt.
Some believe in the fact that rhyming is not the key to everything,
while others have accepted that also just being profound does not make you king.
To fully scale the writer\'s intent,
you must first come from the heart where they have already went.
You must climb deeply into the soul to look for an answer,
even if that answer is unsatisfactory,
you must accept the fact they everything cannot rhyme essentially.
You must use what is given as way to leverage yourself above the rest,
the world of poetry has changed for the ones that took advantage and passed the test.
What you perceive as the world now is what everyone has created with their amalgamations,
even if it is past consideration,
you must use that liberation,
to utilize that poem that creates a better nation.