Tune: Staff Of Faith
(\'My faith it is an oaken staff\')
Psalm 140
Deliver me, LORD, from evil
I unto you do call
Preserve me from the violent man
Help as only you can
In heart they mischief imagine
Not content until it be done
They for war together gathered
Sharpened their tongue, their word[s]
Keep me, LORD, from the wicked\'s hands
I shall not join their bands
They seek my steps to overthrow
To persecute me so
Snares, cords, traps they set by wayside
They come near place where I reside
I said to the LORD, that He be
My God, look e\'en on me
O LORD hear th voice of my prayer
Perform your justice fair
O GOD the Lord, you the strength be
Of my salvation free
You have covered my head in day
Of battle, sheltered me, your way
I seek, lead me on and grant not
Desires of wicked\'s lot
Further them not, lest they exalt
Themselves, and [the] godly halt
Let their own mischief on them fall
That their plans fail and stall
Let burning coals be on them cast*
So their devices shall not last
And thrown into deep pits so they
Be gone, vanish away
Let not an evil speaker be
Established in earth, see
Evil shall hunt the violent man
Overthrown be his plan
I know the LORD cause will maintain
of afflicted, poor, they shall gain
Justice, the righteous your name praise
Dwell with you all their days
* Burning coals can be seen as punishment, though also as symbolising
turning away from sins in repenting and penitence.