
So Many People

So many people around me knowing that im just a stranger around them they  don\'t want me here not around them not near them not even close to them the next day i have meet this beautiful girl called Abby i felt attracted to her, her beautiful hair,the smell of it,the look on her face made me even happier then ever but knowing that she doesn\'t like me made me walk away from her as far as possible.The next da i decided to tell her how i felt and what i liked about her she fought i was joking i was having a laugh  but i said no i actually like  you and i wish you gave me a change but i think you don\'t like me. She said no i do like you and i do want to give u a change the next day we had fun times her friends hated me but i put it to the back of my head  the same day they said that she was cheating on me i could not believe it i just said no not true she loves me she wants me when she needs me next to her and when she is having hard time. They showed   me some messages that were about 1 year old it didn\'t have the date it didn\'t have the time the first message was \'\' i hate my new bf so much\'\' my next step was to break up with her after i done it she was devastated and crying by her self. she send me a message saying its not true the messages were from 1 year ago how could do do that.