
Rapturous Return

Adapted with permission

from poem\' Trumpets Blast\' by Frogspoetry.


Tune: Battle Hymn

(\'Mine eyes have seen the glory\')


O the trumpets will blast when the time it shall sure be at hand

For the Lord to come, return, and then will take back all His land

He will fight for our home, but the Devil he will still refuse

The ground to yield or lose



He shall return, O be ready

Waiting hearts be sure and steady

Firm in hope and faith for soon we

By grace His face shall see


But all that is holy shall be returned, it so be destined

That the evil one shall lose, and all his powers must rescind

The trumpets then they will blast out at the return of the Lord

According to His word - Chorus


So be ready to praise Him and then to receive your reward

Kneel down, sing loud as you can, and give fine praises to your Lord

To welcome and to worship Him, He be the blessed Son of Man

Compare no other can - Chorus


He came to earth, and lived and died, it was for sake of the bride

Now He lives again for ever, with Him we shall e\'er reside

In our home in heaven, trumpets sound, announcing day-star bright

Rapture, eternal light! - Chorus