It’s not about technique
or style or genre
But something more…like a reflection
or memory once known
Its light coming through
a universe dark…undiscovered
Its message more a feeling than any genius
—or logic grown
(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 27th 2016)
Watching Elton John’s Free Concert
New Millennium\'s Curse
Compression ingestion
The world to implode
The numbers decreasing
—all resistance explodes
From diamond to carbon
Wheels spin in reverse
The groundhog, the treadmill
—new millennium’s curse
(Brooklyn, New York: March, 2016)
Beyond Words
Are the questions far better
than the answers?
Do they contain the possibility
that definition never will?
Is the magic of perception
open ended in wondering why?
Is the essence of life itself
beyond what words can ever tell?
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2016)
Through The Keyhole Darkly
Through the keyhole darkly,
he could now remember his name
Through the keyhole darkly,
his medicine kicked in once again
Through the keyhole darkly,
he knew his daughter by her face
Through the keyhole darkly,
he was now back home in his space
Through the keyhole darkly,
his dog was closely by his side
Through the keyhole darkly,
his eyes though saddened, opened wide
Through the keyhole darkly,
her voice unwrapped a precious gift
Through the keyhole darkly
a love once anchored, set adrift
Through the keyhole darkly,
he felt the light begin to dim
Through the keyhole darkly
his markers fade, his reference thin
Through the keyhole darkly
the killer thief arrives once more
Through the keyhole darkly
all loss of self—a closing door
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2016)