Kurt Philip Behm

The Incarcerated Word (+2)

What was created to expose

  is now a fortress just to hide


A bastion of higher learning

  within a haven safe for lies


Where discourse once was treasured

  the ivy droops and sighs


With comfort their true measure,

  the dilettantes still cry


Plato is disgusted,

  John Locke is more than riled


As a millennia of learning

  is mocked in false denial


Students weak and wounded

  from those lessons never learned


Their tomorrow’s but a doomsday

  their futures sure to burn


Those words were there to save them

  both the hated and revered


All truth in dialectics

  —now abandoned by their fear


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2016)



Between Two Lies


The past doesn’t pass away quickly enough

 with the future on the run


The present now an echo between two lies

 —as the moment never comes


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2018)



Eighty Years Undone


I was not alive in 1910

 yet things were pretty good


No sleepless nights or stomach aches

 always understood


In the quiet calm a promise lay

 a portent yet to come


And born I was despite myself

 —now eighty years undone


(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 1991)