
Tonya asking why

GOD, called me home
And I know your asking WHY
You feel lost, abandoned
There\'s tears filling your eyes
I have no answer to give
As to why I was called away
Just know that I love you
And someday you will be okay
I was taken unexpectly
Left your side , to quick
You didn\'t have time to prepare
Because I wasn\'t even sick
My life\'s plan has ended
My time to go away
I wish I could bring you comfort
But I don\'t know what to say
Just believe there was a reason
GOD, choose me to come home
That in your pain of sorrow
GOD, would never leave you alone
Find strength in our love
While you Grieve for me,
We will be reunited one day
When it\'s HEAVEN we both see
Written by Angela Hutcherson-Jenkins