a potato

Visitor in my own body

Visitor in my body


Thoughts are twisting in my head

On why my brain is not normal

Why i can\'t stop being so over dramatic

Or why when something small goes wrong

It\'s the end of the world


There is a darkness shadowing above me

And i feel like i don\'t have a torch

And im stumbling and crying

And calling and shouting

But i am drowned out by those above


I want people to care

But i don\'t want them to see

The darkness that frightens me

Because it hurts i crave attention

And im only worthy because of their praise

Why is that so hard to understand


You think you encourage me

By saying that

someone is better than me

Or that I\'m not useful

So i might as well be gone


But don\'t you see how much that hurts me

Because without you

And your rare kind words

I can’t fulfill my life

I can\'t go on to succeed

Because I\'m a visitor in my own body

And somebody else has the key