Kurt Philip Behm

At What Point

At what point…

 does the fiction you’ve created become true


At what point…

 do old lies make more sense than new truths


At what point…

 do prevarication and veracity reframe


At what point…

 do they come together—their message the same


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018) 



Dreams Neatly Stacked


Never giving it all

Never losing it all

False wisdom

From the voices of drought


Emptying my heart

With a soul left in parts

All promises

Vain wishes in doubt


But giving it all

New rain started to fall

My eyes opening up

From inside


The clouds pulling back

Showing dreams neatly stacked

Where my will and my spirit



(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2016)




First Love


I loved you with a first love

  no second love would ever replace


I loved you with a first love

  that when lost was forever to ache


I loved you with a first love

  when my words were fresh given and new


I loved you with a first love

 —my heart captive with feelings so true


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2016)



For Melissa On Her Birthday


A fair wind blows

  into my soul

   —its breath to steal my heart


In verses only

  you can sing

  —of love to never part


(Your Father, May 2nd, 2016)




To Spread Its Wings

    (Blues Poem #17)


If music is a celebration

  the Blues its hidden nest


As voices rise in jubilation

  all souls by delta blessed


Its words reveal a joyous cover

  its notes a mojo hymn


Old feelings hatched and beating low

  —the Blues to spread its wings


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)