\"Carter Wills\"

Keep This In Mind

If you\'re ever feeling down and low,
I would ask you to keep in mind:
there\'s plenty of life you\'re yet to experience,
so don\'t yet start falling behind.

There\'s plenty more ahead to see,
and plenty more things left to do.
Things that will surely never again
be seen or done by someone like you.

There isn\'t a soul upon this earth
who shares with you precisely the same.
And to deprive the world of such uniqueness
is most certainly a crying shame.

It may be rough at times,
and you my feel like you want to quit.
But don\'t listen to those fears, my dear,
push forth, and ignore those despairing bits.

You\'re life is so very beautiful,
and holds so much tremendous value.
So please do keep that in mind should it ever come
that others try to say the opposite to you.