A New Flow

All that I can do is love

I sometimes forget about my own strength

Thrown off my trail to the wolves who are my protectors, and there I find a power stone where I sit and stubbornly refuse to shine

I must return to my old routine, at least within myself

I have took on the depression that haunts the land for much longer than I care to entertain now

I see no point in being sad

I have had many more blessings than otherwise thus far and that fact, I am sure , will remain true

All that I can do is my best, or maybe a little bit more

I have no score to settle with anyone from the past

I just won\'t ever get the reasons why they try to get ahead of me for

I was not sent here for the Demon of Sloth to use

I will not allow them to abuse me, as I would never use them intentionally

That shit, to me, is sick and old

I don\'t want to ever be cold-hearted or cruel

So, I expect all of the craziness to get the fuck off of my back

I expect them to take what I have been able to give them and plant the seeds to becoming themselves so that I can do so as well

For, every time that I have fallen, I have grown from the soil upon which I fell

Still, there are the times when I end up feeling small

Like I have not fought hard enough to provide for those who I do things for

My inner core is rich with luxury and class

Perhaps I can sprinkle my wishes in the form of pixie dust to manifest upon the material plane

I just want to travel

To spend more time amongst family and real friends

To stay healthy by remaining young at heart

To be loved by one man at at a time until I connect to my other half

There is nothing that they can do to intervene

Enough is clearly enough by now

Not sure how I have managed to make it through all of my pain

The rain that has fallen from the windows to my soul has cleansed me

No reason to feel empty, I am not alone

Just in an extremely awkward place

One that I will climb out of now, today

I just want to walk into work saying \"Hey, good morning\" to everyone who I see

Wish everyone well, tell them to have a great day

I won\'t even have to say it, they\'ll say it to me

Today is going to be a breeze

I only invite love and light, nothing more

The darkness must find a door that leads anywhere but to my sacred space

I have done nothing to welcome its pitiful wrath so take some to release your guilt that you always try to bounce off of me

It does not have to be such a difficult task to work together as one team

Nothing else makes any sense

I am so through with tension

Stuck in the funk that they wallow through willingly

They can pick up their own litter, sell their own junk

I am going to shine, no matter what tries to make me it\'s prey

Fuck that , my doormat days have expired

You bastards are flogging a non-existent horse

Nature must take its course now 

It is time to back off, time to let me live

I have given more than I have ever had to give

Its pretty simple, common sense

Hence, the dawning of a new energy flow

I am here to lead, I am the one that shows them the way 

I warned all of them this was coming days ago, God Blessed!

June 30th, 2018