kevin browne

Your Teardrops.

I\'ll see you through your teardrops
You\'ll see me through my fears
We\'ll see what we\'ve been through
Honey, it\'s lasted all these years.
And when the tempers are raging
Shouldn\'t we begin to fall in love
Shouldn\'t we both hold our hands up
Or are our emotions all too much.
Let\'s not shy off all our kisses
Let\'s not cry away all our doubts
They\'ll come back to haunt us
They\'ll come back to lock us out.
It\'s been a long time, too long to waste
It\'s been a short time, too short to know 
And time saw some quite good places
Through all the places we didn\'t go. 
Let\'s kiss and make the Moonglow
Let\'s cuddle to feel the Sun
Then, if everything is Venus
Then, our love has finally won.