


I\'m a \'watchdog\'!

Checking any poems 

That may need to be ticked 18+

But forgot to do so!

I\'ll tell ya orf!


Or is that my \'excuse\' to read them?

I mean - the ones with  F... B.... and stuff in \'em

Or swoony stuff!

C\'mon now, I need not give ya examples!

I shall only swoon again

Calling them to mind


Woof, woof!

I\'m a \'watchdog\'

Or barking mad

Or both!


Any watchdogs around in 1066

At Battle Of Hastings?

I was there, ya know

So was some of you!


Put that sherry down now Orchi!

The only F and B you need to know

Is Free Bed and Breakfast!


Tee Hee

Is \'Tee Hee\' a bit saucy?

Does it need an 18+?

Does it hint at anything swoony

Cos it\'s different to \'Hee Hee\'?


I\'ll go back to sleep now...

Who rattled my cage?

Why did I bother to get out of bed?!


(O let Orchi be

He means well

Bit eccentric, that\'s all!)
