
The pain you felt

As hard as I try, I could never imagine,
the pain you felt, with your hands and feet fastened.
With your precious blood flowing, while staked to the cross,
just to ensure all, mankind was never lost.
The pain suffered to secure all life eternal,
to prevent your believers, from hells burning inferno.
You accepted our punishment, for all mankind\'s sin.
How can you not be, loved by all woman, and men?
Oh thank you Lord, yes, thank you Jesus,
praise for your love for all of us.
Nailed to the cross, left there to die,
you never cried out, \" stop\", I\'ll never understand, why.
After following your father, and completing his plan,
after enduring such suffering, how can you still love man?
As time drew later, you quietly whispered,
your words confidently saying, \"it is finished\".

As hard as I try, I could never imagine,
the pain you felt, with your hands and feet fastened.
Written by Angela Hutcherson-Jenkins