
Pen\'s a Lie

 The pen is mightier than the sword, Truly this is a lie.
 As I\'ve been in a duel, but my pen was like rye.
 There is no ear to the words I\'ve written
 It\'s as if they\'re hoping to get some kind of high.

 But remember in these words, Ill have you smitten.
 It\'s as if people crave to have their neck bitten.
 Ill lead you to what you want to feel.
 But you\'ll only get what I\'m Given.
My chains pleading my skin to peel.
 The shackles apologizing to heal.
  Anymore I can\'t, Can\'t fly.
 How could you my inspiration steal.

 How can you expect me to write the tides?
 Whilst you push until tears fill my eyes?

 I Can\'t help but see what your gettin\'
 Getting the fantasies of Lytton.

 Oh I Rest in a place of different Ideals.
 Hopefully his rule, someone Repeals, to then my letter will reveal.