
Steadfast Revival Speaking Hard-working Rambler

I have heard of him.

He is of the Lord.

People throughout the land,

make fun of him.

They try their best to silence him.

Still, he remains steadfast.

Yet, though they make fun of him,

he pities them.

He pities them,

because they do not know,

that a revival is coming.

It is him that walks,

from place to place,

diligently, vigilantly, soberly,

consistantly, persistently,

and patiently,

doing his work unto the Lord.

Sometimes he sets up a tent,

and preaches from a pulpit to hundreds.

Other times, he stands,

on the side of the road,

and simply reads,

from God\'s Holy Word,

and once he is finished preaching,

the Lord sends him an angel,

in the form of a common brown bird,

that leads him where to go

as he moves on,

to the next herd.