
Present Rage

Right the fuck now

I am morbidly enraged

Certifiably deranged, on a rampage

Unnamed and tight caged

My fist holds a grenade

Riotous thoughts, that I keep close

Preparing to engage

Right the fuck now

I am trapped in a tangent outrage

Fast lane, Champaign, Cocaine, chest pain

Phases change, migraine, untouched acid rain

Fuck your face, hop a train, lidocaine numbs the pain

Right the fuck now

I am the erratic radio buzz from the attic

Atmospheric static, semiautomatic, polyaromatic addicts? 

Brain\'s problematic, mathematical schematics made hectic

Pretty and reckless, disconnected, once accepted, and rejected 


My home inside my head

Is comforting instead

Of being painted red

And filling up with dread


Right the fuck now

I\'m strolling, in hallucinations

To the foundation of rotation, repeating the quotations

Prolonged high exposure, will increase temptations

Standing stagnant, anticipation amplified by asphyxiation

Sitting silent, beautifully bloodied brutality

Appreciation of self aquired human immunity

Ha! Nudity, fruit tree, rupee, mutiny
