
A Letter To My Abuser

When I met you, I was oblivious to your true self.

You hid behind a mask, one that you had grown so used to.

But then you opened up to me.

You charmed me, and I was under your spell.

You made me fall for you.

But you lied to me about why you did it.

You told me you loved me, and that blinded me.

I didn\'t see that you were using me.

You were guilt-tripping me into doing so many things I didn\'t want to do.

You\'re lucky the police weren\'t called.

You\'re lucky a restraining order wasn\'t placed.

You\'re lucky you weren\'t eighteen yet.

You\'re lucky you\'re even alive.

Because if I had any say in the matter, you\'d be dead by daylight.

And you have no idea how many people would love to get their hands around your neck for what you did to me.

And you know what?

I\'m not one of your \"victims\".

I\'m a survivor.

You put me through hell and I came out an angel.

You didn\'t break me.

You don\'t own that kind of power.

So you can pretend nothing happened all you want.

But I will never forget what you did to me and so many other girls.

And even though I consider myself a pretty nice person who would never wish harm upon anyone, I honestly hope you burn in hell.


The One Who Survived