
Comfort in Isaiah(5): God\'s Servant

Tune: Little Cornard

(\'Hills of the north, rejoice\')

Isaiah 42 v.1-6


Behold, my servant here

My Son shall now appear

My chosen one, my soul

Delights in Him, He whole

And I have put upon Him sure

My spirit now and evermore


He shall judgement bring forth

To Gentiles south and north

And east and west, for He

Shall not cry out, nor be

One that shouts out, nor His voice raise

Along His mission all His days


A bruised reed he shall not

Break off, that not their lot

Nor shall smoking flax quench

Not stuff out, be no stench

He shall bring forth the judgement true

And shall His people all renew


He shall not fail nor be

Discouraged, shall set, see

Set judgement in the earth

Giving justice its worth

And all the coastlands, they shall wait

For His law, it shall not be late


God the great LORD He made

Heavens and earth, they staid

Created them, all things

Breath unto all He brings

Gives life, spirit to they who dwell

In His world, they His glories tell


The LORD calls His servant

His Son whom He has sent

The LORD His hand will hold

He will gather His fold

The Son He is a covenant

To Jews and Gentiles who repent