Kurt Philip Behm

Road Rule (+4)

When grammar gets in the way

  of the meaning

   —lose the grammar!


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)





  an ungrateful heir


Disowning all memory

 —with your ashes still warm


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)



The Story


Tell a good story poorly

  not a poor story well


Your current raging over

 —all trough laden swells


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)




Billy Blue


Billy Blue

Billy Blue,

Your world’s a mess

There’s nothing new


Billy Blue

Billy Blue,

Your sheep are shorn

Your flower’s few


Billy Blue

Billy Blue,

Your time now warps

In shades of grey


Billy Blue

Billy Blue,

That choice you made

To run away…


Billy Blue

Billy Blue,

Your worship hollow

An empty pew


Billy Blue

Billy Blue,

Your time insolvent

Your memories few


Billy Blue

Billy Blue

Last dice to roll

Snake eyes stare back


Billy Blue

Billy Blue,

The reaper knocks

 —your fate unlatched


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016) 





Becoming totally involved

 —while keeping your opinions to yourself


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)