

Say goodbye to an army soldier

who was drafted into Vietnam

and was able to come home.

Say goodbye to a father of two

both his wife and children

grieve for his untimely death.

Say goodbye to a Christian man

who had dedicated his time to church

and devoted his heart to God.

Say goodbye to a cancer patient

he fought and stood his ground

yet it killed him in the end…

You watched me grew up in church…

You smiled every time we spoke…

You were a patient of mine,

always saying “I am proud of you,

I always have been proud.” …

I regret not speaking with you more.

I regret not sparing more time.

I regret not sharing my accomplishments.

I wish I had the chance

to tell you how amazing

you truly are...

But you are standing with God now.

One day, I will see you again

and then I can tell you

how amazing you truly are.