


I want yours and his,

And his and his,

I want all that you can give,

I want it all over my body,

I want it so I can live.

In my hair,

Into my face,

Straight onto my tongue,

All over my chest,

Don’t hold back,

You know how much I long.

Bottle it up,

Send it to me,

To spice my coffee,

A mixer with my vodka,

The saucy cream for my tea.

My mayo,

For my hotdog,

A salad undressing of special taste,

Not found in any market,

Don’t let any go to waste.

And best of all,

It should be,

Fired into my unquenchable haven,

And then again,

The backdoor’s open,

When I’m really Miss B Havin!


When I get this feeling……