
Credit due


I\'m dropping my college words this time
Cause you won\'t understand em
Dumbing myself back down
So you can catch my meaning

Did you? Did you get that? 
Are you sure? Do I need to reapeat that?
Cause I can, if you need that
Since you\'re dumb as a fucking asshat

Just stop

Saying what I see you say about me,
Painting the picture you paint about me,
Lying the lies you like to lie about me,
Describing my life like you know about me...

You don\'t know half the shit about me
Do you really think I told you everything? Honestly? 
If I\'m such I\'m fucking liar how could I? Possibly?

I\'m just a junkie whore right? 
That is what you said right? 
Because you\'re so fucking perfect right? Knight in shining armor right?
Light at the end tunnel...blah blah blah

Fuck you
You hypocritical piece of shit.
But here\'s your fucking credit dude
Exactly where it\'s fucking due

Strong as a brick, you made that. 
Bet you didn\'t mean to do that.
Turning shit around like a badass
Looking down at you like what\'s that?

Round and round and round we go
Where the words stop no one knows
Step ball change and do si do
Laugh at you cause you\'re such a joke