Michael J. Schaeffer

The Dark Sea of Space


The Dark Sea of Space

Covert and with a Thrust Threw the Hallway. Pasting the Door. Your like a Dancing Brunette with a Curl in Her Long Hair. Your History is Strong in the Past. It Exceeds Anything in the Present. Your Prior History is Futuristic. Now Your a Mess in Away. Chaos, Joyless and Dismal. Massively Stressful. Your Terror that is, its Perfect in the Silver Screen and is Magical to the Many within Their Eyes. I Know. Blue is the Season and White is the Snow. Emotions Show. Some of the Names of the Men that Died, Frost and Drake. Pure Panic. Mistakes. The Site that is and Must be Pulverized by a Nuke. The Lost Orbit was the First for Me. My Eyes. The Blunder that Took Away Time. Space and the Endless Expanse of a Type of Ocean. The Marines in a Ghost Ship. Examining. The Ice Crystals that Covered You. The Young Cat Jonesy. Jonesing for Food. Jonesing for Milk or Water for Both of You. Your Years in the Dark and Sleep. The Dark Sea of Space. The Nations Joined Together. The 1st Marines. Recon. Bug Stomper and All the Horror. Death is a Case, but Freedom is a Demand. Ferro is on Her Way and Nothing is Going to Stop Her by the Way...
