Kevin Michael Bloor

Home To Roost

So deep in love were we that day

Made up our minds to move away

From lives we could no longer live

Apart, with those who’d not forgive


Her son, for one, with spite and scorn

Had cursed the day that I was born

Like Oedipus of Grecian fame

He laid upon me all the blame


The rival for his mother’s love

(That goddess from the realms above)

Who Fate forever did entwine

With me, her heart, so she was mine!


My offspring and my mother too

Demanded: “what is wrong with you?

Whose siren spell sent you insane?”

I answered with one word: “Lorraine.”


But they did fail to feel the force

And not until I did divorce

The creature that had spat them out

Did sons of mine all cease to shout


Then from our love nest on the hill

We welcomed those with no ill-will

Supporters of ‘Romance Regime’

A tried and tested true love team!


Consisting of my daughters, two.

And friends, who when the storm was through

Were there, as we walked down the aisle

To see and share with us our smile


So deep in love were we that day

Since ’72 had been that way

Those years apart they’d stole like brutes

It bore for them some bitter fruits


Our ‘selfish’ love they said had hurt

Torn them apart like shredded shirt

We say, of pain, that we produced:

\"Your Chickens Have Come Home to Roost!\"