
No Flying Tonight.

It was a beautiful summers evening,

The heat of the day had cooled,

So my lover and I sat in the garden,

Sat together,

Our love needing no words.

The swifts raced above us

High in the blue sky,

The blackbirds enthralling us

Enthralling us with their songs.

Beside me was my scotch,

Malt, of course,

I picked it up

And there in it

Was an interloper,

A fly was drinking it!

I wasn’t having this

So I hooked it out,

And onto the floor he went.

Not having a clue which way to go

He crashed into the wall,

Fell down a hole in the ground

Tried to fly out but couldn’t.

I thought serves you right,

I can’t fly either,

After I’ve had a scotch or three.