
\"Proud to Be\" (Ug-O\'s Lament)

Look at us, we have come along way,

To rise to the top of the food chain,

We walk, we talk, we are very loud,

Owning this Earth, we act so proud,


Unashamed, we have always played,

Birds, fish, land mammals, slayed,

As fuel for us, to perpetuate,

To configure a new love in hate,


Hate, via a sickening training,

That has got some of us complaining,

Repeated mistakes, over time become law,

As we see rotten clichés upon the floor,


We could change, as we have got a mind,

Instead of dreaming of the hindsight’s rewind,

But with a smile, we continue human error,

Committing cosmic treason, making some terror,


The green serene, has now become grey,

Skyscrapers, block out the light of day,

We think we have built improvements,

But all we have done, is erect entertainments,


Part of me, screams “you better watch it lad!”

“The things you say, could make you sad,

So sad, that you will question your worth,

Thus, soon you could sleep, underneath the Earth,


Do you not see, you are doing some self harm,

Hence stop, I want to live, so please remain calm,

I know that you are fond, of both logic and reason,

So, have a look in the mirror, it’s you that commits treason,


You’re here, so you might as well enjoy,

So, stop these hurtful words that you employ,

I know there is no such thing, as a perfect human being,

But this coarse assessment of yours, is so very unclean!”


After concerned voice dies down, I now recollect,

Of what I should welcome in, to give me good affect,

Change is a long process, let’s face it, we’re still primal,

Maybe in a thousand years, we can really pass this final,


So, for now, I will try not, to practice callous cynicism,

I should laugh instead, not think of dread, and refill enthusiasm,

With revised good deeds, I’ll walk, I’ll talk, being so very loud,

Sharing this Earth, with those who love me, acting so very proud.