Zephyr of the Sun

 My zephyr has arrived

This time, it\'s really here

The constant backdrop that once held steady in the atmosphere seems to have broken into fragmented particles that have blown away in the breeze

It\'s like that ludicrous specter has been slain

I no longer freeze when I get stuck in the rain now

Taking that final bow really seems to have been quite effective

My every objective falls into place upon my pathway exactly when it is supposed to

Timely is an understatement 

A hint of success and pleasurable events lingers in the air

I care again, how very....

How fucking long have I been waiting for it all to return?

I am busy collecting all of the merits I have earned all at once together and it\'s long overdue

I won\'t feel blue for anyone 

Fuck you all for getting off on all my pain

So lucky that I have managed to keep sane throughout all of the curvatures along twisted roads that were paved by the beast itself

Of course, I have always done shit to throw everything off like tossing handfuls of wildflower seeds to the wind  to be taken to hidden places where they are fed and allowed to grow

Im the one they like to throw like a boomerang who returns to its point of release

Jason of the Argonauts who found the golden fleece

The one who they ask to do whatever it takes to get grease stains out of all the rugs

The one who all the bugs land upon because they are aware that I will never do them intentional harm

The bitch that loves to charm the pants of all the sexy guys who roam

Home is wherever my heart is and it has not been as full of joy as it needs to be anymore these days

But, the days are all good as long as they pay me an honest dividend

The days of old came to their end a long time ago already

 But it has taken me this long to see what the fuck is up in the way of those who try to walk in my shoes

They\'ll lose every time that they try

My shoes sprout wings and fly sometimes

Crimes become committed all the time

I want a new living space

Not just a place where I stay

Cannot even cook a decent meal

So, I steal them slowly at the place where I am employed

I am annoyed with the pace that has tried to sit like a boulder blocking me from movement

Refusing to budge

No foot holes to utilize

So, it\'s impossible for anyone to climb to the top of its back

Attacked by the witches who I stirred up blatantly the other day 

Well, I needed to say some, I said it

And, now, I feel like I got a huge obstacle to move the Hell out of my way

I just won\'t play their games with them this time

The power of Love far outweighs everything that they are, indeed..

I still need to find a boy or two or three or ten

Its like I have been used up and wasted so that I now have to start all over from scratch again, which is just fine...

When I decide that a boy is mine, then it\'s done

He must take heed

It takes a rare breed to win my heart the way it wants to be won

A smoking gun I have been for what seems like an endless cluster of days



Using my intuition to seek out all the machines that are about to pay

I hate routines, they can all go to their darkest spaces, and absorb into the doubtful pits that reside there that house nothing more than senseless fear

Manifestations are the products of our deepest thought forms ,that are adhered to

Scary becomes easy to change for the best


Turned over to the infinite Love that lives in the Light

The night hawks cannot emerge from the shadows where they once waited madly, searching for the flesh of their prey

The scent of chaos mixes with the acrid smell of all the bullshit and we end up with very angry orchards, void of any fruit

Where the dandelions and the milkweed were treated like weeds where they once lived happily before

Blue light no longer belongs in this zephyr of the Sun, only beings that are dependent upon its Light 

I will say that I have won every day from this point on

Negative programming in my head is over, done with, gone apparently.....

I am free to live as I choose 

So, I shall never lose another thing

I will find my place in Egypt upon inexpensive rings I can buy online

I feel like I could turn water into wine right now

I can\'t wait for today to wow me again....however it so chooses....
