

She whispered to her friend that when I ran I ‘JIGGLED’,

She didn’t see the harm as they both sat and giggled. 

She mocked me and teased me behind my back. 

I took it to heart, I was personally attacked. 


He SCREAMED in my face he called me FAT. 

In a puddle of my tears all alone, I was sat 

He didn’t hesitate to show he was AGGRESSIVE,

carelessly hurting my feelings by spitting his message. 


They walked in a group and called me an ELEPHANT, 

the thought of care for my feelings was clearly irrelevant. 

As they joked a tear rolled down my face and cheek.

They laughed and they cackled as my tears began to leak. 

My confidence was weak. 


People didn’t care about how I felt. 

They’d enjoy being cruel and watch my self esteem melt.

People didn’t try to make me feel wanted. 

My emotions where overwhelmed and exhausted. 

I didn’t feel good, as I cried every night. 

I looked in the mirror and hated the sight. 

People didn’t want me to feel happy in myself. 

They didn’t give a shit about my mental health. 

The teachers around me didn’t even notice. 

That I was sitting in the class feeling worthless and hopeless. 

I lost all focus. 


I let their cruelty worm it\'s way in. 

To the point where I dreamt of a new life to begin. 

Wishing I was thin, 

I would harm my own skin. 


I still question now how kids were so mean. 

Maybe their life wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. 

I was their punch bag to release hard emotions. 

Maybe they’d go home and cry rivers and oceans. 


I will never know but from experience I learnt. 

That good things that happen, help old bridges be to be burnt

My confidence is low but it’s growing each day. 

I’ve learnt to love myself, and wouldn’t have it any other way.