
Have alot to say

👑 have a lot to say 👑

Before life falls apart and bringing
it together seems impossible
I got to say something oh my beloved
before the sun sets and we call it a day
I want to spell out the words unsaid
you me my first thoughts in the morning
and the last at nigh

t and when the moon makes me mellow
what I think of is you
there is a lot to say but I will keep it
in three words
and make it clear to you my love...
I love you.
things have been changing the moment
I Met You
My Heart races and my breath
becomes shallow and I melt down to the core of your eyes a bliss
I want to tell that I\'m Yours Today sad all the days that follow
you make my day running around in my thoughts and in right you hunt me smiling in my dreams.
How many restless nights did I spend thinking of you my love....
yet you fail to understand the path in which my thinking streams!!!
I have a lot to say before you leave tonight
I have a lot to say before I close the door
I have a lot to say before it is too late
I really love you and I don\'t know what for
you are my reason to breathe to smile
to cry to celebrate and to live
you are my reason that I look forward for another day
you are the reason why I want to live despite knowing that I can\'t
you are the reason that I want me stay a little longer before I pass away.