
A Rare Flower

She stretches up to greet you
Her face glows like the sun
Her delicate waves beseech you
She is a precious one

Fleshy petals warm and silky
Living colors bold and milky
Embers flying in the breeze
Crashing waves of tempted seas

She charms you with her virtue
Her magnetic soul ensnares
Her diamond soul lovingly true
She must be treated with care

Heated words will wilt the sway
Luscious vibrance fades away
Caress the ethereal rarity
Appreciate the tender beauty

She is a rare flower delicacy
Her love is special and divine
Her care is supply sweet
She is the only of her kind

Treat the gift well and carefully
Touch and feel with beloved heed
Give soulful moments mindfully
Make every moment a longing need
