Kevin Michael Bloor

I\'m Still in Love with Pru!

For years I could not breathe your name

I dared not out of fear

That my poor, wounded, weeping heart

Would force a telling tear


And on my face, my wife would trace

The grief you’d put me through

And out of spite she would have spat:

“A putrid peach was Pru”


My heart’s own darling she’d despise

And bid me follow suit

To view you as faithless whore

From house of ill repute


For years I could not play our songs

I dared not out of fear

That my poor, broken heart would sob

And wife of mine would hear


And in my voice she would perceive

The echo of my pain

And curse you as, “that callous cow”

Who I had loved in vain


My heart’s own darling she’d call cruel

And bid me curse you too

Then I’d be forced to say, “I can’t!

I’m still in love with Pru!”