

Comrade, comrade,
With gallant medals galore.
What deeds pride outshine,
In the Patriotic War?

Mother issued the mandate,
And she gave me the right,
With a hatred for fascists,
To press home the fight.

To punish all who supply,
Enemy comfort and fared,
Town, village or farmstead,
Relentless, none shall be spared.

They have not their faces,
They have no need for name,
\"Hure öffne deine Beine!\"
Our demands are the same.

To the womb, each must take,
The bloodline of set three,
Or if she found lucky,
A razdel of party decree!

Rank takes its privilege,
So a young pick was mine,
I care not their age,
But they all told me nine! (hah)

Our sport is to take,
All before a fascist\'s surrender,
Let his death eyes see,
How his family will render.

Only regret known,
How one beauty had so fled,
Choosing her death,
Before no choice of my bed.

Into the cold waters,
Plunged head first from a height.
Made good target practice,
Until body drift out of sight.

And to the returning traitors,
No mercy to be shown,
They will know special treatment,
For betraying their own.

My war rages on,
In fascist bellies of all manner,
Tender youth to old hag,
Will know my sickle and hammer.

изнасилование является законным оружием войны