
Communion Compliance

Tune: Divine Mysteries

(\'Sweet Sacrament divine\')


Since you Lord, do us call

May we come, one and all

To your Communion feast

You bid greatest and least

And there to find the bread of life

To calm our trouble, ease our strife

And too wine here outpoured

We remember you, Lord


At your instituting

Sacrament you di bring

To eat and drink of you

It true is life anew

Eating, drinking, spiritually

This for bodies, souls, spirits be

A partaking, sharing

In these gifts you us bring


Though righteous judgement shown

By grace your mercies known

Forgiveness for each one

Possible through the Son

You the one who your life laid down

Experienced for us God\'s frown

Our sins taken away

Upon your cross-death day


Here riches bright and fine

When we to you align

And meditate a while

Where none can harm, defile

Welcomed each time by your good grace

By faith we do behold your face

Your Eucharistic* love

Shed on us holy dove (the Holy Spirit)


* Eucharist - another name for Holy Communion;

meaning thanksgiving, gratitude, appreciation