Birddie Jane


The one thing

You loved most

Is the one thing

I can no longer stand


I sit here

Driving down the road

1800 miles from you


As the setting sun 

Lays gold in the sky

I look out my window

And see it reflecting back at me


You loved them

Said they were the most beautiful blue

Light in colour

Almost silver


My eyes 

The windows 

To our love



They no longer shine

With the fire and passion

They did when I looked at you



They are filled with pain

Lost and lonely


I expected

They would turn to ice

Hardened and immune to the world



They are puddles

Melted and unrecognizable

Missing you forever



Do I look myself in the mirror


Can I look into the eyes of another


How could I betray you

And share your favorite joy 

With everyone, except you




I see him every where, and I\'m numb to it I feel like I should miss him or be glad he\'s gone, but I feel nothing... The world has no song for me to dance to