it would be easy to say
when I see you look at me this way
that someday friend you may find
you\'re walking that same path I walked before you
but thats not true
for none of us walk will the same path
oh they may be similar I grant you but
everybody will walk their own path
the path their life deals out to them
it maybe not quite what is expected
for just when you\'re doing easy and life\'s ok
some truck load of the unforseen comes along
and if it doesn\'t knock you clean off your feet
it sure takes you away from where
you thought you were headed
me? well I thought I had it all mapped out
I knew where I stood on just about everything
but then one by one I met those truckloads
oh sure there\'s been despair and tears
bloody nose and bankruptcy
but I still walk and talk and reason pretty well
there\'s plenty lost all that and more
I ain\'t complaining
I have much beauty all around me
suns rise and fall paint skies no canvas captures
the savour of crisp night air beneath chilling carpet of starlight
chirping symphony of birdsong
the hue and cry of humanity about its industrious day
though thrash of wind and rain serve to amplify my insignificance
I\'m encouraged
to greet each springtime with a smile
to thank creation for every childs smile
and the ability within to walk another mile