Fay Slimm.




Trod Tracks.

Today folk amble along old mining tracks
Where once tin was dug and truck-hauled.
Inclines were handled by boys, blackened
In pit dust, scar-scored the young mauled
Overfull trucks while bal-maidens worked
Sorting rocks before loading, lovely young
Aproned girls, locks close-capped, skirted
Strict rules to taunt lads by lass-calls long
Ages back for cart- crews when tired sang
In required quiet chorus for minimal sound.
Jibing as shovel struck ore stone loud rang
With stifled giggles and no fun then allowed
     Lengthy shifts meant larking at home-time.    
Age early pock-marked all facing pit-shafts
Yet memory still haunts trod tracks to mines
On which children\'s past singing comes back