Stan Rodriguez

Requiem for a Naked Thought

Lament oh! Sureties of that unspoken word

rise high enough to touch the cosmoses then retreat

for we have far to race and endow the tributes they beseech

in praise and worship of a naked thought.


Suppling testimonials from the heart—

of which we ask be still—you drum too loud

and wake the weeping willows from their sleep…

as hummingbirds shine in emerald array.


and try to match the golden splendor of the sun—

humming their accolades—keen and rare

enlightening the servants of the winds

to blow a little softer in their paean.


Zealously we move in to applaud

and reach out to touch that secret dream

from which that naked thought is born—

rewarding us with glee…


Lament no more my friends in love, I plead

for love is meant for many thoughts to keep engaged—

the glory which inside our hearts and minds, does breed

and yet, that one naked thought is still in need

to make complete the wonderous emotion of them all.