Kurt Philip Behm

Fantasy Escapes (+3)

No clock can lay claim

 to the moment untimed


Though hands finely set

 still a mystery divine


Each tick plays a cadence

 to what is now past


But what of the future

 its measure uncast


We plot and record it

 hours, minutes, they chime


As all fantasy escapes

  —this delusion of time


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)



Ahead, Nothing More


Money and wealth

 used to accompany class


Now more often than not,

 it tends toward the crass


There used to be style

 that went along with good luck


Now nouveau riche dogma

 just passes the buck


The internet minions

 and rappers galore


Litter our vision

 as they buy out our stores


This newest gold standard

 obsesses with bling


Their knowledge in tatters

 they read not a thing


All intention is focused

 on numbers that climb


Like lasers, they pierce

 the mercurial dime


But time marches onward

 for rich and for poor


Looking back, a past wasted

  —ahead nothing more


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)





Truth Is Near


Good feelings or bad…

  results the same

When a nerve is struck

  to start the game


The words can soften

  or strike with fear

Once through the surface

 —the truth is near


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)



Now As Before


Are those dimensional theories a trap

 for what your mind will never understand


Does your spirit lay dormant and fallow

 an alien within its own land


Does the math and the science betray you

 with the numbers piled outside your door


Is the time sliced and diced infinitum

 —deliverance calling now as before


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)