Gary Edward Geraci

These Names of Two (Barzelletta)

    (In gratitude to Dr. A Joseph Armstrong and Mary Maxwell Armstrong)


By Barrett-Browning, Baylor U.

Now houses works in Waco T.

Both raised in England, poetry

Would elevate these names of two.  


For first they’d found in wedded glee,

To health and child till death does part.

Love lit, flight, whisked to Italy,

New name, new fame, real risks to start.

One son, heir, “Pen” to pen and chart,

Keeps right, but writes no will. Who knew?  


Both raised in England, poetry

Would elevate these names of two.  


And blessed be the buying spree,

The move, the building, now the art

In faith serves Christianity.

Where guided tours, flipped housing starts,

By Chip and Jo; their gifts their smarts,

Brings thousands to this city new.  


By Barrett-Browning, Baylor U.

Now houses works in Waco T.  


- Gary Edward Geraci