Michael J. Schaeffer




The Dream Occurs. In a Sleep. Relaxed in a Nightmare. The Presences was Vivid. A Master. Blurry and Intoxicated. The Poison was in the Room like a Cloud of Drugs. It was a Return to the Past. A Group. Unholy. A Usually known Haunting on a Beautiful Life. Her Garden. The Girl that I knew. A Face and Then Others that just wanted to Destroy It. I Looked Around the Room to Understand the Story. This Vivid Dream of a Case. I knew to just Wait and Destroy Later with Patience. Witness with My Eyes and Looking. The Report on the Surroundings. The Beach. A Hell of a Vacation Spot. Issues with the Youth. I See. I See Her Face. I See a Old Friend from My Youth. She is My Old Friend from My Youth. She was there Completely Realistic. In a Comfortable Chair. Intoxicated and Sacrificing Her Heart and Her Soul. She was Being Used. I was Picking Up the pieces on the Vivid Dream Trail. Issues. The Report. Documenting the Case. A Positive Identification. The Town of Tough and Hard Luck. The Delta and the Blues. The Music is on. Heavy and Loud to the Sound. The Surroundings. A Ghost Town and the Uncertainly of the Night Life as the Fire Burns Bright...
