
Seven Years

Wire wrap your winter hunger, tongue tie your copper tale.
Sharpen your words to a nasty edge, chew until you\'re frail.
Paint me in vermilion hues, gulp down your lies in thirst,
Stare away with empty eyes, duality your curse.

Everything is this or that, simple and in its place.
Disgusting how you delegate, burn beauty in your haste.
Scrambling with fingers ever afraid, for answers in the dark,
Dig your nails into your float, just sink your only arc.

Leave us bloody, gangrenous on the floor of your old pain,
Point at all the red and scream: \"hah! Just look! their guilt is plain!\"
I hope it helps you sleep at night, as you whisper to yourself,
Of all of my rotten intentions, placed on your mental shelf.

Always honest about our insecurity, always gave you all the space,
Admitted every dark corner of self and mind, shone light into that place.
You never could quite muster the courage, your cold darkness so uncouth,
So weave your story and chew on our bones, never could quite face the truth.