Kurt Philip Behm

Dark Ransom (+3)

Hope trumped last

  a prisoner of death


A final capitulation

  —devil’s ransom beset


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)


No Favors


We do no favors

  labeling genius


We do no favors

  channeling the light


We do no favors

  defining perfection


We do no favors

  —questioning delight


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




Divided And Split


Do you have to do something

  you loathe or then hate


To finance the thing

  that you love


Do you plod to a tune

  out of step and off key


To dance freely with what

  comes from above


Do the moments you steal

  and those stolen from you


Stand opposed or conjoined

  at the hip


Are those times rare and precious

  to freely aspire


Worth a life lived divided

   —and split


(Train from White River Junction: March, 2016)


Love\'s Captive


Surrendering to love

  —an imprisonment of joy!


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)